Friday 5 April 2019


Autumn sounds like the waves crashing and the sea struggling. the leaves rustling and the wind is howling like a wolf.

 autumn looks like soggy ground and soaked washing.

 autumn feels like porridge burning my throat and hot chocolate warming my mouth.

autumn  smells like toast burning in the toaster .

Autumn  tastes like hot toast  creamy hot chocolate.
My wragon is a cross between a wolf and a dragon. he lives in a rainforest clearing in Canada.  It has magma Falls surrounding him that produce lava pools at the bottom. My hybrid eat’s toasted marshmallows and he always burns a fire with his fiery breath to toast them. My hybrid can breathe fire which is 352 degrees it can also fly.

Summarise. My wragon lives in a big wide rainforest clearing in Canada.He eat’s toasted marshmallows. With his fiery breath he has the ability to toast them.  By lighting a fire it can toast them over top. He breathes fire and can fly.